Be a Certified Brainspotting Practitioner

What does it do?

Brainspotting provides therapists with powerful tools which enable themselves and their patients to quickly and effectively focus and process sources of many emotional, somatic and performance challenges through the deepest part of the brain with amazing resolutions!

Why does it matter?

Brainspotting was voted the most effective trauma treatment by the parents and survivors of the Sandy Hook massacre after a five-year study comparing over 25 therapeutic modalities. The parents ranked it first in its effectiveness in treating the traumatic loss of their young children.

Who is this training for?

Trainings are open to all counselors, psychologists, social workers and others in the healing professions with strong clinical backgrounds, as well as students/interns in the mental health field who are curious and seek to expand their knowledge. Ideal for students and new graduates.

Certification in Brainspotting

Stage 1: Training

A minimum prerequisite for taking any Brainspotting Training is:

  • Practitioner must have current membership in a mental health practitioner organisations which has ethical standards by which the member must comply
  • Practitioner must complete Phase I and Phase II (or Phase III, Phase IV, Masterclass with David Grand) through Brainspotting Philippines Training Consultancy Services.
Certification in Brainspotting through Brainspotting Philippines Training Consultancy Services means you have demonstrated an integrated understanding, competence, mastery and fluency in all aspects of Brainspotting practice taught in Phases I and II, including all the concepts taught.

Stage 2: Supervision/Consultation

  • At least 1 Brainspotting consultation hour of individual consultation/supervision from a Brainspotting Trainer or Brainspotting Consultant after Phase I, and a minimum of 3 Brainspotting consultation hours after Phase II.
  • Additional consultation/supervision sessions will be required until all the above personal and professional criteria are adequately met. This is decided by the BSP Trainer/Consultant.
  • In the Philippines, Marco Antonio Rodas and Teofilo Palsimon Jr. can provide Consultation/Supervision towards Certification. You may also choose any Trainer or BSP Consultant worldwide:
  • Completed 50 hours of direct Brainspotting practice with clients documented in session forms
  • You have done sufficient personal growth sessions, preferably utilising Brainspotting, to be able to best serve your clients needs during a Brainspotting session without your issues impacting the session negatively. We highly recommend that applicants complete at least one (1) personal BSP session as they work towards Certification.

Stage 3: Review and Awarding of Certification

  • Upon completing the certification process with Brainspotting Consultant, the following documents get submitted to Brainspotting Trainings, LLC (David Grand thru [email protected]) – application and all supporting documents (Brainspotting Session Documentation Form, Brainspotting Consultant’s Report with a positive recommendation for Brainspotting certification, copy of liability malpractice insurance.)
  • Certification to be reviewed and awarded by Brainspotting Trainings, LLC.
  • Payment of $150.00 USD. This can be paid on credit card or bank transfer (Laurie will give the information).

Brainspotting Courses

Brainspotting Phase I (Introductory Phase)

In this introductory Brainspotting: Phase 1 training, participants will learn four basic brainspotting techniques. In addition, participants will receive an overview of the:

  • standards of care and professional practice for brainspotting practitioners,
  • research that supports the primary assumptions of brainspotting; and
  • challenges of research and evidence-based treatment for conditions such as Complex PTSD

Training objectives:

  • Define the components of Brainspotting
  • Utilize the techniques of “Inside window” and “Outside window”
  • Define how Brainspotting can be applied to Trauma, Dissociation, and Somatic conditions
  • Demonstrate the theories and practices of Brainspotting

Brainspotting Courses

Brainspotting Phase II (Intermediate Phase)

Brainspotting Phase 2 training will begin with an extensive review of Outside and Window Brainspotting and Gazespotting, with an emphasis on how to clinically interact with clients. Trainees will be introduced to several important applications. This includes One-Eye Brainspotting including the use of One-Eye goggles. Also taught is 3 Dimensional Brainspotting using the “Z-Axis” of Brainspotting close and far, this includes Convergence Therapy which expands the Z-Axis to activate the vagus nerve through the ocular cardiac reflex.

Additional technical refinements will be presented including “Rolling Brainspotting,” with slow eye tracking stopping briefly on each Brainspot. Advanced techniques will also include combined Inside-Outside Brainspotting where both reflexive responses and client sense of highest activation are used together to find Brainspots.

Day 3 will be devoted to the second Phase of the Advanced Resource Model. This will entail combining the resource aspects of One-Eye and Z Axis Brainspotting. This addresses working with clients with Very Complex PTSD and those outside of the Brainspotting Window of Tolerance.

Training objectives:

Through lecture, live demonstration and small group practice participants will learn to do the following:

  • Review components taught in Brainspotting (Outside and Inside Window)
  • Define Frame and Focus Brainspotting Diagnosis and Treatment
  • Demonstrate 3 Dimensional Z-Axis and convergence Therapy
  • Define and demonstrate Rolling Brainspotting, Selfspotting and Body Gridwork

Brainspotting Courses

Brainspotting Phase III (Advanced Phase)

BSP Phase 3 is an advanced 3 day training where the first 2 days are devoted to the most recently developed Brainspotting techniques (not taught in Phases 1 and 2) with the 3rd day devoted to BSP and Performance and Creativity.
Day 1: Advanced Gazespotting, Advanced Z Axis BSP (BrainSweeps and Proximity)
Day 2: Doublespotting, PartSpotting
Day 3 (AM): The BSP Sports Trauma Model (outlined in THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON SPORTS by Grand and Goldberg) will be taught and demonstrated with an elite athlete. The 15 Guidelines to Performance and Creativity Expansion will be presented
Day 3 (PM): Applications of Creativity Expansion will be presented, including a demonstration of BSP Acting Coaching with a professional actor who will deliver a monologue.

Training objectives:

Through lecture, live demonstration and small group practice participants will learn to do the following:

  • Participants will learn and be able to apply, in their clinical practices, advanced BSP techniques including: Inside/Outside BSP, DoubleSpotting, Advanced Gazespotting, Advanced Z Axis BSP (BrainSweeps and Proximity and PartSpotting
  • Participants will learn and be able to utilize BSP Performance Expansion Model, especially the BSP Sports Trauma Model
  • Participants will learn and be able to apply BSP Creativity Expansion Model, including BSP Acting Coaching